Argentina har som inga andra i världen skapat fotbollsartister! Mencho Sosa må vara mindre känd än Messi och Maradona, men artist är han likväl. En evilibrist som håller fem fotbollar i luften utan att bli utvisad! Mencho Sosa har, till skillnad från många andra freestyleartister som kan trixa med trasan spelat fotboll på riktigt. Bland annat i självaste River Plate! Och dessutom pluggat cirkusartisteri! Sedan slog han ihop de två saker han älskar mest. Fotboll och humorfyllt artisteri, som han reser världen runt med.
Argentina is perhaps best known for their many world class footballers. Mencho Sosa might be lesser known than Messi and Maradona, but he's a proper artisan nonetheless. He's is one of the few in the world who are capable of handling five footballs at once! Unlike many other performers who know a trick or two, Mencho Sosa is an actual former professional footballer. He's played for such influential clubs as River Plate! And he has even attended a circus school. All he had to do was combine the things he loves most in life: football and humorous showmanship. This is your chance to witness amazing football skills in real life!